The things you'll find Here

My Portfolio

A few examples of the past, current and future projects I worked/work on professionally. Some of them are infographics, others have links to actual code and demos. The projects vary by industry, application and solution type, but all have some mix of:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Innovation
  • Machine Learning
  • Design
  • Data Science
  • Engineering
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Scientific Research

Here, you can find out more about the scientific work I have done, summarizing the main take-aways of my ressarch. It focusses on the brain mechanisms of human visual perception, with a few other related topics also included. Most of them are multidiscplinary, including scientific fields, such as:

  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Systems Neurosciencee
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Machine Learning
  • Social Psychology
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I taught classes in a variety of topics, at varying levels of detail and complexity. In this section, you find my multiplinary data science and machine learning cours, which I taught to multidisplinary teams. Therefore, it might appear to be lacking in scientific rigor, which is done on purpose. The idea behind it was to get across the main concepts and ideas that underlie both data science and machine learning, as well as critical thinking. Core understanding of the foundations allows for more efficient communication between those holding degrees in machine learning and datascience relate fields, and those who interact with them substianally on projects. It is still a work in progress, as these fields appear to develop faster than anyone could hope to put all of the ideas and solutions stemming from on paper.

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About Me

Some personal stuff you might want to know about me, like my:

  • Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Publications
  • Patents
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This is my personal library of scientific readings. I do enjoy reading, and reading about many different topics. I've tried to organize it at some agreed upon way, with the main topics being:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Complexity Theory
  • Philosophy
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Design
  • Neuroscience and Psychology
  • Quantum Computing
  • Society
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Innovation & Ideas

These are ideas for projects, solutions, experiments I came up with, but haven't found the time yet to fully explore, although some work has gone into all of them. If you see anything related to your own interestes or current projects, feel free to reach out and discuss/share thoughts. In general, I'd like to start with something I feel could be improved on, and hopefully will make the lives of as many people significantly better. Because of this, you'll see ideas, innovations and solutions that are designed to:

  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Privacy
  • Better integration of technology into our daily lives
  • Using technology to reduce inequality and help marginalized individuals
  • Medical Solutions for improving physical, mental, and behavioral Health
  • Improving communication
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Games I am in the process of developing, with an emphasis how games can help us in a variety of ways. Current projects (in development!) include

  • Synethesia
  • Atraxia
  • Genus
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Scientific Publication


Ideas Added

Git Commits

Library Items

Earthquakes Caused

Cats Petted


Reach Out


Utrecht, The Netherlands

Email Me